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3. Internationale Eisenbahn-, Post- und Telegrafen-Angelegenheiten.
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4771. Correspondence respecting the proposed channel tunnel
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4772. Dehn, Paul. Deutschland und dieOrientbahnen.Münchenl883. 5069
4773. Dickerson, Edward N. Joseph Henry and the magnetic
telegraph. New York 1885. 5639
4774. Documents de la Conference tdlegraphique internationale
de Vienne. Vienne 1868. 4584
4775. Meili, F. Das Recht der modernen Verkehrs- und Trans¬
portanstalten. Leipzig 1888. 4850
4776. 0n the origin and progress of the oceanic electi-ic telegraph.
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4777. Proces-verbaux de la Conference internationale pour la pro¬
tection des cäbles sous-marins. Paris 1882. 7071
4778. — du congrbs international des postes rduni ä
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4779. Propositions pour la Conference teldgraphique internationale
de Paris. Bern 1890. 2745a
4780. Railway Investments, New and profitable. Leeds 1872. 4753
4781. Reglement de Service international annexd h la Convention
teldgrapliique internationale de St. Pdtersbourg.
Berlin 1885. 2734a
4782. — —
Paris 1890. 2771a
4783. Reports from the select Committee on railways. London
1839—41. 6 vols. 6174
4784. Report of the international American Conference relative to
an international railway line. Washington 1890. 6145
4785. Südenhorst, Alois Edl. V. Die Eisenbahnverbindungen
Central-Europas mit dem Oriente und deren Bedeutung
für den Welthandel. Wien 1878. 4848
4. Internationale Ausstellungen.
London 1851.
4786. Reports by the juries of the exliibition of the works of
industry of all nations held at London 1851. London
1852. 2 vols.