Metadata: Abraham a Sancta Clara
- Persistent identifier:
- AC00756750
- URN:
- urn:nbn:at:at-ubw:g-96027
- Title:
- Abraham a Sancta Clara
- Sub title:
- [Auswahl aus seinen Schriften]
- Author:
- Abraham
- Editor:
- Kralik, Richard von
- Place of publication:
- Leipzig
- Publisher:
- Insel-Verl.
- Year of publication:
- [1915]
- Scope:
- 87 S.
- Language:
- German
- Document type:
- Volume
- Collection:
- Printed Works 20. Century
- Copyright:
- Universitätsbibliothek Wien
- License:
- CC BY-NC 4.0
- Number of digitised pages:
- 96
- Structure type:
- Cover
- Number of digitised pages:
- 2