Metadata: Una dezgrasiadah arsiduḳah o lah priadurah de un prinsipe
Multivolume work
- Persistent identifier:
- AC06520180
- Title:
- Biblioṭeḳa univerzale de Zomer i Dogin
- Place of publication:
- Vienne
- Publisher:
- Sommer & Dogin
- Document type:
- Multivolume work
- Collection:
- Printed Works 19. Century
- Copyright:
- Universitätsbibliothek Wien
- Persistent identifier:
- AC06521354
- URN:
- urn:nbn:at:at-ubw:g-120898
- Title:
- Una dezgrasiadah arsiduḳah o lah priadurah de un prinsipe
- Sub title:
- istoriah inṭerisanṭe i timeroza del ṭiempo medio
- Place of publication:
- Vienne
- Publisher:
- Zomer
- Year of publication:
- 1894
- Scope:
- 64 S., [1] Bl.
- Language:
- Spanish; Castilian
- Document type:
- Volume
- Collection:
- Printed Works 19. Century
- Copyright:
- Universitätsbibliothek Wien
- License:
- CC BY-NC 4.0
- Number of digitised pages:
- 72
Title page
- Structure type:
- Title page
- Number of digitised pages:
- 2